About Me & The Group

Biblical Weight Loss Support
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Who I Am

I am a 28 year old MDiv student at Logsdon Seminary in Abilene, TX. I have pastored and been youth minister at different churches in the past 10 years. I have been through many things in my life, and, in the past, I used them as an excuse for gaining weight. As of today, I am 6'3" tall and weigh 440 lbs. My goal weight is 250-280 lbs. That is a big goal, but I know with God on my side, with the support of faimly and friends, I will be able to lose the weight. I am starting this group so that others like me have a place to discuss successes and failures, as well as, lifestyle and diet strategies.

For many people, we look for a person or thing to blame for our weight gain so we don't have to blame ourselves. There are even commercials for weight loss pills that say it is not your fault you are overweight. While that may be true for an elite few, for the most part, the majority of people need to take responsibility for their weight gain. The root of most weight gain is overeating. We like food (I know I do). The food we like is not healthy. And, we like sitting around being lazy too much. I hate to say it, but, for most of us, IT IS YOUR FAULT. Once we can take responsibility for our use of food as the focus of life instead of a means to live, we can begin to make changes to a healthier us. It may be harsh, but when we can learn to say I am fat and/or obese because I have an addiction to food, we can begin to conquer that addiction, and make our bodies the true temple of God.

Backpacker taking a drink; Size=180 pixels wide
Excercise and Water (at least 8 glasses a day) are vital parts of a healthy life.


No Cost! No Pills! No Strict Diet! Just Five Simple Rules!

1) God should always be the focus of our life (not food)

2) Our bodies are a gift from God and His home, treat them that way

3) Eat only what God made for food naturally (twinkies are not natural)

4) Eat everything as close to natural as possible

5) Let nothing become an addiction (except God)


Here are some Christian and weight loss resources:

"What the Bible Says About Healthy Living" by Rex Russell

"The Maker's Diet" by Jordan S. Rubin

"The Amazing Connection Between Food and Love" by Gary Smalley

"The What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook" by Don Colbert

"Body by God" by Ben Lerner

"Total Heart Health for Men & Total Heart Health for Women" by Ed Young, Michael Duncan, and Richard Leachman

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me Phillipians 4:13